Bella and the Bulldogs Wiki

Troy and Sophie is the friendship/romantic pairing of Troy Dixon and Sophie Delarosa.

Troy and Sophie
Troy and Sophie
Characters Shipped

Troy Dixon and Sophie Delarosa


Close Friends


Bella and Troy
Newt and Sophie
Sawyer and Sophie

Portrayed by

Coy Stewart and Lilimar Hernandez

Other names[]

  • Trophie (Tro/y and So/phie)
  • Troyophie (Troy and S/ophie)
  • Sroy (S/ophie and T/roy)
  • Sophoy (Soph/ie and Tr/oy)


Season 1[]

Tornado Afraido[]

  • They had a subplot together.
  • They made a cake together for Pepper's birthday.
  • Sophie said Troy's idea for the cake was good.

Root For Newt[]

  • Troy tries to ask a girl he likes on a date using Sophie's advice.

Season 2[]


  • They beat everyone at beanbag toss (except Newt and Pepper the second time), and enjoyed making fun of everyone they beat.
  • They crowned themselves Tailgate King and Queen (using the Homecoming crowns) and liked being king and queen together.
  • They both wanted to stop being Pepper and Newt's servants, so they went into Sawyer's truck, but got stuck, and yelled for help. Sawyer came, but wouldn't let them out, saying, "Nope, not falling for that one again." (Bella and Zach)


  • Won homecoming king and queen together
  • So far, they've interacted in Tornado Afraido the most.